Savvy Recruiter

Savvy Recruiter

Candidate Integrity Assessment

This revolutionary and inexpensive tool for integrity assessment fits perfectly in the retail market segment where the personality of employees and sales associates is imperitative to assist retailers to run and manage their business efficiently. Heritage IT has teamed up with HRVision to bring retailers a non-invasive, sophisticated integrity testing tool to identify those candidates with a propensity to engage in dishonest behaviour.

Since its release in 1997, retailers have implemented this HRVision solution to significantly reduce shrinkage rates caused by employee theft, and also effected a decrease in employee turnover.

Breakthrough Technology

SavvyInegrity uses a number of uniquely crafted technologies to create a computer model that is a synthesis of highly accurate physiological body response (polygraph-like) measures with tried and true investigative/interview techniques. Embedded in a user friendly multimedia platform, the test achieves high levels of accuracy with:

  • Easy-to-use, simple navigation
  • Access anywhere, any time with rich CRM functionality across multiple mobile platforms
  • Highly customisable and scalable solution that grows as your needs develop
  • Available on-premise or in the cloud
  • Put yourself to the test - contact us for a free trial